Crystals ~ Calcite

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When we want to grow emotionally and spiritually, we find ourselves in situations similar to that of chickens and butterflies, which can't emerge into larger worlds unless they break out of the shells and cocoons which originally served to protect them.
Our special challenge is that our protective shells and cocoons aren't external, but internal and often invisible. To discover the habits and beliefs that limit us gives us the potential to release them.
Our ability to grow is further deepened when we begin to explore the possibility that our beliefs about physical reality itself can also be restricting. When we become open to the possibility that the realm of spirit is just as real, our world becomes even larger.
The gifts of expanded awareness and a deepened capacity to integrate different layers of reality are especially vital at the present time. While I don't have fixed opinions about the meaning of the current spiritual climate, I do know that every day I encounter more and more people who want to understand themselves and to be in charge of their lives. They are searching for a feeling of connection, not only with other humans, but with crystals, the animal and plant worlds, and with the world of spirit.
. The calcite family can be especially helpful with these challenges.

The Calcite Family
One key aspect of Calcite is its most common shape, the three-dimensional parallelogram called a rhomboid. A rhomboid has six parallel planes (visualize this as top, bottom, side, side, end, end) all connected to each other).
In spiritual terms rhomboid Calcite represents the interconnection and interaction of parallel planes of reality. Thus, in gazing at a Calcite, we can see that the world of spirit isn't "up there" and separate from physical existence, that past and future aren't disconnected from the present. We can also appreciate that on the physical plane itself alternative ways of being and doing always exist.
The ability to infuse spiritual understanding into physical reality helps us to have an expanded awareness of the challenges we face, especially the challenges we've more or less given up on, the patterns of thought and behaviour which are so seamless that we don't know how to unravel them.
These can include:
A type of person who keeps coming back into your life, no matter how quickly you get rid of the ones who came before them.
Habits you can't seem to get rid of, no matter what method you try.
Behaviour patterns you can't seem to change (i.e., being judgmental, bitter, angry, resentful, etc.), no matter how much you dislike yourself for having them.
Situations from the past you can't release.
Fears about the future you can't release.
The common thread that joins these and other challenges is a persistent problem one cannot seem to solve. It's as if you're breathing the same old recycled air and wondering why you don't feel refreshed and energized.

Green Calcite

Its energy is soft and healing; thus, its soothing qualities can be particularly helpful in releasing limiting beliefs based on fear.
It also helps to releasing mental rigidities, an essential step towards opening ourselves to new beliefs and realities. Mental rigidity often helps to keep physical rigidities, stiffness, and tension, so (although we make no claims for physical healing) people have reported that green calcite was helpful for this.
A third use for Green Calcite is in situations where there's an excess of red energy. This can be expressed as anger or over-excitement.
Finally, it is believed to be one of the most useful stones when one is going through major transitions.
Green Calcite can be used on several areas in a crystal layout. When you're working on releasing old mental patterns, it's best placed on the third eye (above and between the other two; this is also known as the sixth chakra). When you want to release the fear often associated with limiting beliefs place it on the heart centre.
To neutralize excessive red energy it can be placed wherever you're experiencing anger or over-stimulation (often the heart or solar plexus). If you're experiencing these sensations in your entire body/psyche place green calcite on the second chakra (the pelvic area, which is traditionally related to the colour red).
For ease in transitions, place Green Calcite wherever you're experiencing the most tension about change. Often this is the solar plexus, but tension can be expressed in other parts of the body.

Pink Calcite

Pink calcite helps to release old and hurtful emotional patterns so that the heart can be open to receive and give unconditional love. It combines the energies of Rose Quartz and Pink Tourmaline, nurturing both our love for ourselves and our ability to express love for others.
Pink Calcite can be used on any chakra for the purposes of releasing old pain. Those who were sexually abused as children might find it helpful to place it on the second chakra. Those who feel unable to express themselves in loving ways could place it on the throat).

Honey Calcite

Honey (also called golden) Calcite shares with Green Calcite the ability to help ease transitions. Its particular role is integrate new energies and beliefs into one's physical reality, i.e., daily life, relationships, business.
This stone relates to the navel/solar plexus area, and helps to assure that the increased personal power we feel as blockages are released to be wisely used.

Blue Calcite: Calming Communication
Like all the Calcites, Blue Calcite helps to release the rigidities that prevent people from being able to see their lives and its challenges from an expanded perspective. Its particular area of focus is the throat centre, relating to creativity and communication.
The concept of creativity implies something new, and blue calcite helps to open us up to originality -- whether we are writers, painters, or creating the art known as our lives. This crystal can guide us away from the well-travelled roads onto new pathways.
In the area of communication, it can assist in fostering positive communication between those with opposing views. It helps one to release a rigid point of view and listen to the opinions of others without resistance. Its cooling colour also helps people to express their beliefs and opinions calmly, without anger.
In general, this is a calming stone, soothing overworked nerves. Some find it a restful stone that helps in sleep.

Clear Calcite

This stone (described above) can be placed on any part of the body. It is most commonly associated with the crown chakra (top of the head).




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