Crystals ~ Bloodstone

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Some crystals have a quiet beauty and power. They may be overlooked in favour of more spectacular stones. Sodalite is one of these; Bloodstone is another.
This stone is a rich, dark green chalcedony with spots and patterns of Red Jasper . (Both chalcedony and jasper are forms of quartz.)

Physical Properties

It's hard, however, to describe bloodstone without at least briefly mentioning its reputed healing properties, as they are so much a part of all written material about this crystal.
This stone is believed to help direct the healing vibrations of green into the blood stream and to strengthen the kidneys, liver, and spleen, the blood purifying organs. It is said to accomplish this either by being worn, placed on a cleansing organ, or by being taken as a gem elixir.

Metaphysical Properties

The contrast between green and red is visually appealing, and since these colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel, we can look at Bloodstone as a crystal that can help to integrate and blend opposites.
By assisting us in reducing conflict, it helps to free much emotional energy that is otherwise tied up in tension and uncertainty. Thus, it helps to reduce physical and mental stress and assists in renewing the physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Because one's energy becomes free to explore the unknown and take on new challenges, Bloodstone is also called "The Stone of Courage." For this reason, it is considered helpful to those who are in business or self employed.
Spiritually, it is believed to help remove obstacles from one's path, and restore love and integrity to relationships. Perhaps because of the grounding effects of Red Jasper, it is thought to be a "be here now" stone, focusing us on the immeasurable powers and gifts of the present moment.




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